Platelet Rich Fibrin
Patient Instructions
Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a state-of-the-art technique in dentistry that leverages the patient's blood components for natural healing and tissue regeneration during oral and maxillofacial surgeries.

PRF involves drawing a small amount of the patient's blood, separating it through centrifugation to concentrate platelets and growth factors. Applying this platelet-rich fibrin to surgical sites accelerates wound healing, reduces inflammation, and enhances tissue repair. Its minimally invasive approach and positive impact on post-operative recovery have contributed to its popularity.

PRF is beneficial in various oral surgeries, including extractions, implants, and periodontal procedures. Its regenerative properties facilitate quicker bone and tissue healing, leading to reduced discomfort and shorter recovery times. By harnessing the body's innate healing mechanisms, PRF offers a safe and effective approach to enhancing modern oral surgery techniques.
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