Bone Grafting
Patient Instructions
Bone grafting is a procedure used to restore or augment jawbone tissue. It is performed when the jawbone lacks volume to support dental implants. During the procedure, the oral surgeon harvests bone or uses synthetic grafting material to stimulate new bone growth and provide a stable foundation for restorative treatments.

Bone grafting involves evaluating oral health, choosing the grafting technique and material, and performing surgery under local anesthesia. The surgeon carefully prepares the grafting site and secures the bone graft material in place. Over time, the graft integrates with the existing bone, promoting new bone growth and strengthening the jawbone.

Proper post-operative care is crucial for successful healing. Patients receive instructions on pain management, oral hygiene, and dietary restrictions. Regular follow-up visits monitor bone regeneration progress. Recovery time varies, and gradual bone growth occurs over months. Bone grafting helps restore oral health, improve jawbone strength, and prepare for dental restorations.
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